Saturday, June 27, 2009

Fair Farrah

I was at UT-Austin when Farrah Fawcett was there. I didn't know her, but a friend pointed her out to me in a line in one of our mass registrations at Gregory Gym. She had a mane of blonde hair and was wearing, I believe, black leather pants, which made her stand out -- among other reasons -- in the September heat of Texas.

I later had a friend in law School from Corpus Christi who's high school buddy dated her. Ironically, he would break up with her. Years later, I was in a doctor's office in Corpus in my current role as a lawyer. The doctor was a friend of my law-school classmate and had a picture of Farrah in his office. He seemed to remember her affectionately and shared the friend who had dated her.

Mimi Swartz of Texas Monthly has an opinion piece in the NYT today I found poignant. Click here to read it.

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