Friday, July 6, 2012

Fincher Cartoon Displayed at Whitechapel Gallery, London

The UK Government Art Collection has an exhibit running into September on its history.  A part of that history  was the controversial lending of a Churchill bust by Tony Blair to George W. Bush for the Oval Office.  Ultimately, the UK requested it's return.  I did two cartoons for my now-retired political project, "The Illustrated Daily Scribble," that had the Churchill bust talking to Bush.  An inkject print of one of the cartoons is in the display case on the Churchill-bust issue at the Whitechapel Gallery.

Display case at Whitechapel Gallery, London

View of room at Whitechapel Gallery, London

Text in display case at Whitechapel Gallery, London

Angela Morris of the Texas Lawyer newspaper interviewed Fincher on July 9th, for a piece in Texas Lawyer's Tex Parte Blog and the July 16th edition of the Texas Lawyer newspaper about his cartoon on display at the Whitechapel Gallery in London.  Click here to read the article.  
Below, a tear sheet from the July 16th edition of Texas Lawyer.

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